- Founded 1993
- Employees ~ 170
- Product numbers + 7500
Aðföng is a warehouse and distribution center for the retail and wholesale markets. Aðföng's operations involve procurement, inventory management, and distribution for Bónus, Hagkaup, Olís, and Stórkaup, and is one of Iceland's largest and most advanced companies in this sector.
Aðföng's procurement involves dealing with domestic suppliers and importing goods, including its own brands. Aðföng works on product development of its signature brands in collaboration with its grocery chains, with the most prominent brands being Himneskt and Heima. Aðföng also imports alcohol sold in ÁTVR (The State Alcohol and Tobacco Company of Iceland) liquor stores through Vínföng.
Economies of scale are vital in all of Aðföng's operations, and advanced technology is used wherever possible. To fulfill its core role of ensuring Icelandic consumers have access to high-quality food and daily goods, efficient transportation, transparency in product origin, and quality are crucial.
Aðföng minimizes its operations' negative environmental impact by constantly seeking efficiencies and environmentally friendly solutions. As a result, Aðföng can contribute to sourcing top-quality raw materials.

- CEO Lárus Óskarsson
- Address Skútuvogur 7, 104 Reykjavík
- Tel: 530 5600
- Hafa samband https://www.adfong.is/adfong/hafdu-samband
- Website www.adfong.is